
People said that I am a deep person. But for a long time, I don\’t know how to be deep anymore. I can only think and do simple things, talk less about philosophy, passion or meaning of life, just be quiet and peaceful with what I have. Try to be mindful of whatever I do…enjoy every little moments of happiness…and I realized that life is very interesting, there are so much things to learn and discover…

Looking for a right person who I can share my simple happy life with.

No hook up!

Giới thiệu Ayala Minh Thư 6232 bài viết
Trang Cá Nhân : Ayala Minh Thư Họ Tên : Ayala Minh Thư Sinh ngày : 11/05/1995 Địa chỉ : 12A Tân Hòa Đông, Bình Trị Đông, Quận Bình Tân, TPHCM, Việt Nam Số điện thoại : 09271977310 Email : [email protected]